52840 Rar
Alternatively, you can visit this thread to see how to generate the nrf52840/pca10056 SES project files yourself. This will obviously be beneficial if you choose to experiment with any other mesh examples.
52840 rar
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Furlcod.com%2F2udHlh&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw2fDApWdCMudDeFkTV310_L
See page 3 of Nordic's measurement file nRf52840 QIAA matching network.pdf (in the .rar compressed file linked in this thread). Their measured value looking into the matching network from the ANT pin is 115.771 - 33.357j ohms.
The impedance of the matching network (0.8pF shunt, 3.9nH series) of the suggested nRF52840 layout is 111.8 - 32.9j with a 50 ohm load, which verified the measured number above. The complex conjugate should be the impedance of the ANT pin.
My new development: a mini temperature and humidity (& pressure) sensor with an electronic ink display(tested on nRF52810, nRF52811, nRF52832, nRF52840)). Very low power consumption! The device is ready. 041b061a72