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Ashot Agafonov
Ashot Agafonov

"The Killing" I'll Let You Know When I Get Ther...

MR. KIRBY: It is not out of the realm of the possibility to all that there'll be future artillery systems in there. But again, I don't want to -- I don't want to speculate or get ahead of where we are. Artillery clearly has proven to be a critical element for the Ukrainians in this fight. We said that when the war was going to now go into the Donbas that it was a fight that was going to be heavily reliant on long-range fires and artillery. And we've seen that bear out; we know that the majority, vast majority of the howitzers that we have sent, just the ones we have sent, are actually on the front lines in various places in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians are using them and using them quite effectively. So, as you said, we just send another 18, or we're gonna send another 18 here soon, it's entirely possible that artillery could be in future drawdown packages, but we'll work that through and just like we've done it in the past, we will -- we'll be as transparent with you when we can. When we have made these decisions, we'll certainly make that public.

"The Killing" I'll Let You Know When I Get Ther...

MR. KIRBY: I don't have more than the readout. I mean, I would encourage you to speak to General Milley staff for that. I will tell you the Secretary was glad to see that the conversation happened. Because as we said when he spoke to Minister Shoigu, you know, a few days ago. I mean, we believe it's important for the lines of communication to be open. So, the fact that General Milley was, for the first time since I think the 11th of February, able to speak to General Gerasimov we certainly -- we certainly believe that's a good thing.

MR. KIRBY: No updates for you right now. We're -- we'll -- we're still working our way through that. But when you know when we're able to have more on that in terms of what you know and unclassed release of it, we will let you know, but I don't have an update today.

The women in my family have always seemed oddly eager to turn, when the time comes. My parents used to tell me that, on the very day I was born, my grandma had sprouted big tufts of fur from her ears. Within a month, she had run into the hills on all fours, covered in a slick brown pelt. What she did for the next seventeen years is her business. I only know that she was still waiting when I came up there after her with a new shield and an old boar spear over my shoulder.

Each morning, now, I get up and count the feathers that came in during the night. I take heart, knowing that I will not waste away. In my old age, I will grow strong again. And when little Sima comes for me, on the cusp of her adulthood, I know we will reach an understanding.

To Laskey: "Why am I such a leper? I would really like to know. Is it b/c I chose not to give up on people when they made mistakes? ... But does that mean I need to be ridiculed and made a leper by my own people? It hurts. But as I said to others I love my people enough that I'd give my life ... If hating me, blaming me, or killing me, some how helps the movement move forward then so be it!"

MR. EARNEST: Let me answer that question in two ways. One is that we know that these kinds of counterterrorism operations have diminished the effectiveness of al Qaeda. They've had a significant impact on their ability to function and to carry out attacks against the United States. We know that these kinds of operations have rendered al Qaeda less capable of receiving recruits. We know that these kinds of operations have diminished their command and control capability. And we know that these kinds of operations have made al Qaeda leaders intensely focused on their own personal security. And when these leaders are so focused on their personal security, they're devoting less time and attention to plotting and planning against the United States. So this kind of pressure has been effective in enhancing the national security of the United States.

Q: For all the information that was declassified yesterday, there are dozens more of these operations that go on that we never know who else was killed -- whether they were civilians or not. They may not have been Americans, so we'll never know that. So my question is, I guess, when he laid out the near-certainty standard in that speech, does he still believe that it's possible to meet that standard at all? Or is it a value judgment of if you're not quite certain, is it still worth it to undertake these missions to get the national security benefits that he's talked about?

MR. EARNEST: Pamela, I can tell you that the President did telephone Prime Minister Renzi. He did that on Wednesday, I believe. It was a direct conversation between the two of them. It was not a lengthy one. I don't know whether or not they talked about the case of Mr. Lo Porto when Prime Minister Renzi was at the White House last week. * [The President and Prime Minister Renzi did not discuss the hostage situation when they met at the White House.]

The "real life" story behind the movie is by now well-known. Sydney Schanberg, a correspondent for the New York Times, covered the invasion of Cambodia with the help of Dith Pran, a local journalist and translator. When the country fell to the communist Khmer Rouge, the lives of all foreigners were immediately at risk, and Schanberg got out along with most of his fellow Western correspondents. He offered Pran a chance to leave with him, but Pran elected to stay. And when the Khmer Rouge drew a bamboo curtain around Cambodia, Pran disappeared into a long silence.

The movie begins in the early days of the journalistic coverage of Schanberg. We meet Schanberg (Sam Waterston) and Pran (played by Dr. Haing S. Ngor, whose own story is an uncanny parallel to his character's), and we sense the strong friendship and loyalty that they share. We also absorb the conditions in the country, where warehouses full of Coca-Cola are blown up by terrorists who know a symbolic target when they see one. Life is a routine of hanging out at cafes and restaurants and official briefings, punctuated by an occasional trip to the front, where the American view of things does not seem to be reflected by the suffering that the correspondents witness.

MR. KIRBY: No. And I'm glad I got the chance to follow up. When I said, outside Kabul, I'm talking about, you know, relatively close by. I don't want to set the expectation that -- that we're going to be able to fly all over the country to pick up people. You heard the Secretary himself say that we -- we -- there's a -- there's a limit to the capability we have here. But when we can help, and if we need rotary-wing aircraft to help, we'll do it.

JP: I approach all of my fiction as such a reporter. It's just how I know how to world-build. And so when I was writing Charlotte [from Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win], I interviewed more than 100 women who'd run for office and who'd run campaigns, and so that's my go-to, that's my muscle. As I was trying to build Riley's world and her family, there were times when probably I was acting like a reporter to Christine, and so maybe even interrogating the experience as a Black woman.

JP: And easier. Like, you know about my mother's terrible boyfriend, you know about the weird sounds my husband makes when we have sex, but just this thing is what is so hard between us. The confrontation scene is so important.

Or when I'm explaining the book, I'm like, Am I using the right words and saying the right thing? Maybe I'm not, I don't know. What I want to come out of this book is for us to be able to have the spaces to have conversations where you're not perfect, where you're a little bit uncomfortable, but it's okay, and that there's grace. Christine has very different thoughts on cancel culture, because you're like, "I'm not worried about getting canceled."

During the trial, Kaede was found guilty for accidentally "killing" Rantaro when she was targeting the mastermind, Monokuma unjustly and brutally executes her by hanging her and orchestrating it, tossing her hanged body around like a rag doll until her neck breaks and dies. After the execution, Monodam betrays Monokid and causes him to be destroyed during Kaede's execution, Monokuma seems distraught, but then brushes it off and says that's why you have more kids.

When K1-B0 and Shuichi began to investigate the new areas in the Ultimate Academy, K1-B0 and Shuichi triggered an extremely loud alarm which caused Monokuma to appear and got angry with K1-B0 and Shuichi. He then deactivated the alarm. The students then questioned Monokuma about that highly guarded door, Monokuma decided to let the students enter that room since it's now a pointless room due to the Monokubs being destroyed. Monokuma gave to Shuichi the alarm button so he would be able to deactivate it whenever they wish. Monokuma stated that only he and the Monokubs know the secret passcode to enter this room, he then opened the door to the students so that they could enter anytime they wished. K1-B0 and Shuichi entered the room just to encounter the inactive Exisals. Monokuma appeared once again and stated that those are useless now since all the Monokubs are dead and nobody else apart from them know how to control the Exisals.

My mouth is watering just thinking about that amazing looking lamb! We got some grass fed lamb from the farm we have a cow share with, and IT. IS. INCREDIBLE! I know just what you mean when you talk about the satisfaction of raising your own meat. You know exactly what kind of food they were fed, and just how happy they were while you were caring for them. It is the best. ? Love your pictures too! 041b061a72


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